Inhibition of CYP2E1 with Natural Agents May Be a Feasible Strategy for Minimizing the Hepatotoxicity of Ethanol

Inhibition of CYP2E1 with natural agents may be a feasible strategy for minimizing the hepatotoxicity of ethanol.
Med Hypotheses 2001 Jan;56(1):8-11
McCarty MF.
Pantox Laboratories, San Diego, California 92109, USA.

CYP2E1, induced in hepatocytes by heavy consumption of ethanol and certain other drugs, is a potent generator of superoxide, and is thereby thought to mediate the gravest aspects of alcoholic hepatotoxicity. Certain drugs such as the sedative chlormethiazole are effective inhibitors of CYP2E1, and may have clinical potential in the treatment of alcoholics. A number of phytochemicals can also potently inhibit CYP2E1 – most notably certain isothiocyanates found in crucifera, such as sulforaphane and phenethylisothiocyanate. Preparation of these compounds from crucifera seeds or sprouts should enable commercial production of supplements that would protect the livers of social drinkers while concurrently reducing risk for carcinogen-induced cancers.